Tuesday, April 23, 2013

When a great product is killed by the egg heads in development

A letter to Blackberry development team.

I wrote this letter to your team- Its a shame that the operation team is killing the company. Your marketing is terrible.
The product is awesome. Im a marketer trying to be a programmer and I know I suck - Its time you programmers mutually acknowledge that your marketing sucks as well.

We could help each other- I am available for marketing the platform plus I think the playbook is the best product you have and its not even marketed as such. A simple www.bluestacks.com .exe wrapper to install this third party software would make the playbook run android programs natively without having to recode. Yes you would lose revenue but the sale of the unit and additional development you would receive would make this a win win win. 

When you are ready to help me program - I am ready to help you market.

Peter Benjamin 

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