Tuesday, April 30, 2013

As the dow hits a ceiling of 14700 we see the sell in May and go away strategy. With portfolios up 8-12% YTD we see a lot of investment managers run to quality with safe products. Here is a tip : Nothing is safe in this market. Apples stock buyback and low cost loan will allow it to make more money than ever before. Any accountant can see the inherent loop hole they have to bring back capital over seas.

For every share of stock they purchase they pay a dividend to themselves. Dell is reaching out to the market for support without shifting their product line. PCs are not dead they are just on break. You can't edit on a Tablet or run complex problems like CAD on an Ipad. So there is a future for DELL.

As the time nears to release my new book we look forward to empowering our youth. If I could sell a few and give a way a few million I would be satisfied. Knowledge is power and as I put my efforts into a future classic this will be a real source of information for our future investment class.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

When a great product is killed by the egg heads in development

A letter to Blackberry development team.

I wrote this letter to your team- Its a shame that the operation team is killing the company. Your marketing is terrible.
The product is awesome. Im a marketer trying to be a programmer and I know I suck - Its time you programmers mutually acknowledge that your marketing sucks as well.

We could help each other- I am available for marketing the platform plus I think the playbook is the best product you have and its not even marketed as such. A simple www.bluestacks.com .exe wrapper to install this third party software would make the playbook run android programs natively without having to recode. Yes you would lose revenue but the sale of the unit and additional development you would receive would make this a win win win. 

When you are ready to help me program - I am ready to help you market.

Peter Benjamin 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

JCPenney Too little too late.


Try to figure out how an elite vision kills the company. Within a year a company bets on the creation of a new consumer and loses. The key to retail is traffic. If you are in sales the key to maximize returns is really to reach more qualified clients. If you are targeting higher end clients and you are in a lower end market then that is a formula for disaster. The truth is simple: Ron Johnson had the right vision at the wrong time.

We contacted JCP to discuss some mobile coupon options and never received any contact with the company. The strategy of coupon elimination was totally nuts. How can you take away the strategy that made you successful. The next phase of the JCP saga continues. What are your thoughts. The average JCP customer comes in twice per year and spends on average of $200 per visit.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Success is the New Cool!!!

In life there will always be obstacles. In every breath we take the outcome is eventual as we reach for another and another. While we learn to do these basic survival functions one moment at a time automatically we try our best to multi task and have an enjoyable experience while on this world.

Our goal is to maximize our pleasure and minimize our pain. Increase our Joy and work towards our goals. This is the human way. The path is paved with great souls who have tried it before us and then our turn will come to reach the end of the journey. Its the level of intensity we leave between the attempts that give us the reputations we deserve. life

The best way to grow is to plant a great garden. From this garden you can plant all the elements you will need in this journey called life. This journey will have steep hills to climb so plant a tall tree that you can use to spring from. You will need to have weapons to ward of the predators so plat trees with steady barks that are light enough for you to yield. You will need a Shield so plant trees that are strong enough to protect you in battle. Then when that is done plant fruit that will make you strong and plant vegetables that will nourish you. When this is one plant flowers that will please you with their beauty that will make you smile when you see them sway in the wind.

Lastly plant yourself in the garden as the caretaker and the responsible one for the farm. In this was you will have done the will of the creator who has made you and you follow in our original destiny.

C.Peter Benjamin