Friday, November 22, 2013

The Perfect Healthcare Plan rollout.

Doesn't any one listen anymore to the people work for? I am truly amazed at the total liberalism that exists in our political forum. Our nation and our world is in a power grab conundrum.

Luckily the fix is simple: Keep the pre -existing condition mandate for people with other ailments and allow them to register for health care services.

  1. Take away the company mandate and make it optional for employers to offer healthcare like it was before. 
  2. Keep the individual mandate and have each citizen pay 100 to 250 maximum fine for not signing up for medical coverage. 
  3. reate a Medicaid part G- program for 20k+ wage earners and students.
  4. 300,000,000 X $100 is a 30 Billion per year influx to the medical system
  5. Make the lower level plans have a high co pay like $50- $75 for lower plan members-
  6. Young people year 1 start out at $50 per month for health care then $100 each year after until they hit 25. Have a $50 co-pay per visit. 
  7. Create a digital system that the entire system can use to register and see their medical information.
  8. Provide the insurance agency with a tax break to sign up new members.
  9. All premium penalties paid out of income tax at time of filing
  10. Create medical school vouchers to create a steady stream of new physicians.
Cover payments by deducting from any existing benefits-

The concept is simple: A cross between what was old and what was new. The higher the deductible the more the payment to the healthcare costs. Let people choose their plan and the companies offer their plan they can afford if at all.

Problem solved. This is a perfect plan because it makes sense and saves dollars.

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