Saturday, November 23, 2013

Government shutting down your business with legislation.

Recently I came across a few articles of companies looking to find ways to circumvent the fines imposed by the company mandate. As I investigated the story line I realize that the impact of the ACA also affects companies like my own enterprise. Since we have several consultants who work as independent contractors we are now subject to hire and provide them with healthcare if they request it.

This adds @ 100k to our Human resource budget to comply with the ACA terms. For a small company doing less than a million in net profits this is a major blow. Now when you multiply the effect to the companies who have provided many employees with healthcare plans that are no longer eligible due to new cost structure you see the implications.

Its a tragedy when you change the level of issuance of an optional benefit. The perception to your workers is not something you can easily change once tarnished. I watched a fast food worker demand that she be paid $15 per hour for her services and I wanted to take her to an executive training camp and allow her to see that in order for the burger to sell at $1.00 to the customer her wage has to remain at that price otherwise their fast food establishment becomes a premium restaurant and the price of the lowest burgers go to a price of $5.00 and the chances of her getting a job there would decline since the level of services would now increase. There is a major difference in being a waiter or waitress and being a fast food attendant. The clientele and level of service is far and beyond the scope of each other. In addition the presence of tips is also a factor in most restaurants.

When I analyzed the situation the first thing I began to realize is how special it is to have management training. Managers have to keep a balance between the costs and profits. A successful company makes at least 7% to 10% profit goals. So lets do the numbers thats a goal of .10 cents per burger.

Legislation has always provided protection to consumers but from the business point of view they have to bear the costs. Small businesses have no chance in an over regulated economy.
I think many regulations offer a balance approach however we are in need of a few relaxation of restrictions to continue as a profitable stable economy.  The SEC offers a major protection for investors and this is a needed function in these markets however the limitations they place on the advisors are reducing the number of advisors yearly.

When legislation hurts an economy its time to create new rules that address the pain.
The question is this: Is the Government hurting your business?

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Perfect Healthcare Plan rollout.

Doesn't any one listen anymore to the people work for? I am truly amazed at the total liberalism that exists in our political forum. Our nation and our world is in a power grab conundrum.

Luckily the fix is simple: Keep the pre -existing condition mandate for people with other ailments and allow them to register for health care services.

  1. Take away the company mandate and make it optional for employers to offer healthcare like it was before. 
  2. Keep the individual mandate and have each citizen pay 100 to 250 maximum fine for not signing up for medical coverage. 
  3. reate a Medicaid part G- program for 20k+ wage earners and students.
  4. 300,000,000 X $100 is a 30 Billion per year influx to the medical system
  5. Make the lower level plans have a high co pay like $50- $75 for lower plan members-
  6. Young people year 1 start out at $50 per month for health care then $100 each year after until they hit 25. Have a $50 co-pay per visit. 
  7. Create a digital system that the entire system can use to register and see their medical information.
  8. Provide the insurance agency with a tax break to sign up new members.
  9. All premium penalties paid out of income tax at time of filing
  10. Create medical school vouchers to create a steady stream of new physicians.
Cover payments by deducting from any existing benefits-

The concept is simple: A cross between what was old and what was new. The higher the deductible the more the payment to the healthcare costs. Let people choose their plan and the companies offer their plan they can afford if at all.

Problem solved. This is a perfect plan because it makes sense and saves dollars.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Blackberry Television app available
 Try the new Blackberry TV app.

The ACA is a disaster that can be resolved by going to the small business sector.

The end game of the Health Care System is simple: make it work. The system used by Verizon and its partners was not adequate to deliver the results at the level of volume of the demand. MyOffice Resources is an outsourced resource center offering solutions. We don't own our systems we build them on existing proven networks. Why rebuild the wheel when you can get BF Goodrich to deliver the best tire on the market within costs.

On review the first thing I realized is the intricacy of the ACA system and how far it reaches with the American information diaspora. When your financial information is pulled in to determine your eligibility it opens up a new world of threats. I believe the way to build the system was done properly but with the wrong cross platform interface. One system did not speak to another.

What could I do for a billion dollars? Bring in a system that could work today. My company can deliver a compelling secure platform overnight and the challenge is set. My system exists currently and needs to be delivered and scaled up. I would make the bet that even when confronted with a secure platform they would still have a new excuse.

Once the system launched it was a disaster as the hackers began to hack the system. Jeff Bezos had it right they refused the system. The company could have fixed the system in ten minutes.

The website is the tip of the problems for the ACA. The integration of departments such as health and Internal Revenue is a virtual nightmare. Any coder would know this.

Without giving away any trade secrets I know where the issues in this system lie.