Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The financial crisis simple 10% solution

So lets sum it up: If I was hired by the administration to fix this thing this is what I would do:

Pass Amnesty and charge each new worker $20,000. Provide them with a first time homebuyer credit of 20k or 10%. Pass stronger labor laws to enforce the worker exploiting.

Take the bailout money and develop a virtual credit card for borrowers that increases their credit score. Give Americans a Nationwide Credit Boost. A 200 point Credit boost takes the economy out of the credit crunch and it costs us nothing.
Restructure loans to include loan insurance therefore creating a new industry..
Take the losses that offset gains in the stock market from 3000 to 50,000 dollars for the next 5 years.
Reduce capital Gains to 10% or eliminate them for the next 5 years temporarily.
Increase the investment levels from 5000 to 20k for the retirement accounts
Allow for traditional Iras to purchase real estate directly.
Make the ETFs obsolete.
Redeploy the federal housing department budget for homeless and the foster care system and use the homes in the foreclosure market to provide foster homes and temporary housing for section 8 recipients.
Everyone benefits.

Provide the loans in the foreclosure market with an extension for the foreclosed line of credit and extend their terms. Re Certify the applicants with employment verification and have them sign student loan type agreements. Take a 30 year defaulted mortgage and extend it to 37 years. Provide a bridge loan fund that allows the person to owe the money indefinitely like a student loan. Then you would make the payments payable from the income taxes filed yearly so the benefactors don’t get to walk away from their loans. We should not make it so easy to walk away from these loans. This would take the loans totaling 2 trillion and reduce the amount to 20 billion.

Train the workers that don’t have revenue sources (Jobs) and allow them to get interest free student loans to get education while they wait for the market to return. (Don’t allow the deadbeats to escape)

On a corporate end these loans should be attached to personal executives so they understand how serious it is. If you get an executive bonus you should get an executive liability on the downside.
Interim loans are the key to the crisis on a whole. Re loan these loan default fees to the borrowers temporarily. Hire some of these dead beats at the banks that they used to scam from. If its revenue that you lack that solves the problem right there

Have the shorting of stock limits raised to 7 dollars. A stock would lose its shorting status at $7. This would provide a 20% cushion for marginability and eliminate the pressure for pension funds who have to liquidate these securities once they reach $5. This eliminates the downward spiral significantly. The strength in this country is the replacement of funds in the retirement programs. When stocks are marginable they can be used for leverage. test

Increase Net Capital requirements for the financial firms…

Obama needs to meet with some foreclosed people to develop a comprehensive program that helps these people out of this hole and allows them to develop a strategy that works on a small scale and expand it outward.


  1. Create a new mortgage foreclosure finance security fund to fund and takeover foreclosed deals at a fraction of the cost.

  2. Lowering of Minimum wage can assist in the refinance of America. Let the banks spin off these assets into new securities. Its that simple. Then up the credit scores and re structure the loans. 2 million loans reduced temporarily to 1000 a month yields 24 billion a year. In 5 years the problem solved. market stabilized. 4-5-6 Proposal-0% for first 4 years then 4% for next 5 years and 6% thereafter. Hire these people to do bank work for no fee on the weekends. Paid in capital.

  3. I think we are near a solution. I can't help but believe the Michael Moore suggestion. Its a sexy scenario but I think none of us know anything about the markets.

  4. Its now months later and once again the bottom was called as I predicted. Its time to receive the best book on the market. Its time to prepare for the next Gold rush. Invest here now and buy the dogs of the dow.

  5. Its a few days from the end of the year and we are back at 10,500. Its only a matter of time before we hit 12000 and everything is back to normal again. We should be free of the Afghan problem soon. And we should be seeing new deals come back in the market. The Have's own everything because the havenots fought each other like rats in a cage instead of fighting the real enemy. Life as we know it is about to change as the wealthy have created a larger divide in wealth than we have known in ages.

    Unemployment will decline a % a quarter and we will be happy at 7% unemployment and the recession still continues. God bless America...

  6. Unemployment is at all time highs while financial advisors numbers are at all time lows. What would happen if we enabled the unemployment agencies to offset the training for every unemployed person to become an advisor. This would solve several problems with one action. Use the government to fund the training with tax breaks to the teachers and waive the fees for the test. Instant solution. I said it best on Elitetrader.com Not enough brokers led to this decline. We need a bigger boat...

  7. healthcare is a sham and a diversion. Its simple: Combine medicaid and medicare into one system. Place it online run by servers and also limit the cost of malpractice insurance and make it subsidized. Problem solved and add a premium like 20 per month for medicore system for those under 65. Thats 10 million subs at 250 milion per month. Establish a fund for training new doctors. In four years you would have 1000000 new doctors to handle the medical crisis.

    Lend businesses money. If I could go public tomorrow I could reduce unemployment by 30%. Real Talk.

  8. A warning for elderly dementia caregivers. If you love your parent or significant other beware of Antibiotics for Dementia patients. I came across a study which stated that over 40% of Dementia patients have had antibiotics in the last two weeks of the their lives. This was stated that the focus was on the presence of a serious infection at the time of death.

    What I saw was that the presence of an antibiotic was present within the period. Could it be that the cure for the problem is actually the problem? Could the actual antibiotic be a contributor to the death of the patient. After careful analysis I believe that Dementia is a bacterial infection of the brain and this path should be investigated as the path to a cure. Its like an ulcer of the brain - like Acid reflux is an ulcer of the stomach. I am willing to bet that the same bacteria flowed from the stomach into the brain. Its only a theory.

  9. What health care reform means- Really- The mandate is one of the most brilliant reform a nation has ever undergone. I met a genius once and he explained to me that the art of Genius is making the incomprehensible into common sense. Make it simple-

    Socialism is different from a democracy first of all. So for those using the word please stop. This bill makes it so that you will not and cannot be turned down for Health CARE when you go into a medical facility because every person legally in the US will have it. This takes away the clause of we can't see you because you cannot prove you have an insurance policy.

    DOCTORS no longer treat patients as their sole business model. In today's market they are cost containment specialist for the Hospital and risk assessors for the Health Insurance Companies. And they are distributors for Prescribed narcotics.

    Health care reform takes the power from the provider of the services and gives it back to the patient. When the doctor has to see you and is still paying his malpractice insurance then they will provide the right services.

    The elderly are dying because geriatric physicians do not get paid adequately. There is no money in old people. The system sees them as worth 325 dollars a day for the nursing home. Where they are worst off in many cases.

    When the patients all have healthcare the system cannot refuse you service.

    My Mom had medicare which she paid for monthly via her Social Security and yet the doctors refused to hospitalize her in her time of need. Why - She had an allergic to penicillin bracelet on and the doctors misread it to believe she didn't have coverage.

    This mistake should never happen again. We live in a society that forgets that if you hand a person a 100,000 hospital bill they will be able to pay it over time. If their dead well good luck getting your money.

  10. A message to Bill gates and Warren buffet. All I can say is have a cup of green tea a day and a good joke and live well. As time goes on I want you to realize that the world's top resources lie in wait in Africa in the minds of the children. Empower this continent with education and opportunity and watch what this world can become. An educated population is a progressive population. I have respect for the African as do I for the European however they are not chomping on Monkey brains in Transylvania..:-) Its a shame for us to sit back while a nation of scientist and doctors fall to their death daily. Please help the Africans gain educational opportunities. The Chinese helped the global economy what about the ARAB nations and also the Africans. Its time to spread the wealth and the blessings.

  11. 12 million illegal immigrants willing to work and make money for the government. Pass immigration reform and charge fees to these immigrants who don't have credit and have cash. The immigrants can pay taxes and penalties to the US. Just make the new applicants wait 3 years more than other immigrants for citizenship. I would also hire them to watch the borders. They should also have program like jury duty for us citizens to volunteer to protect the border for 1 week to help the us government.

  12. We live in a time of denial. Rich people or people with savings think they are safe and want others to suffer. But if the banking industries suffer then you may not have access to your capital. Then the community that you despise becomes your new residence. If the nation freezes our borrowing abilities across the board we all suffer. The solution is not to burden some its about burdening everyone. Rich and poor have to put in. Raise interest rates across the board. Spur savings and raise credit ratings and then raise taxes. Yes raise taxes 5% temporarily for 4 years and reduce them in the 6th year and the 8th year and 10 th year. We can then become our own saviors. Pass Amnesty and allow for workers to start paying taxes. A nation wide school system for the unemployed with 5% interest school loans for college payable out of income tax revenue. Empower America and teach the population. Create a small business stimulus plan to help businesses. Create a consumer panel in congress which has 1 person from every state every 6 weeks to hear the public view. Its time to stop the denial America is in trouble.

    Leave Medicare and medicaid alone. Or give us free healthcare.

  13. Timing is key 8863 is my near term target with a bounce back to 12000 for the year. so the best way to make money is trade against the market. Contrarian is the new sexy. INTC and BAC Look good to me. No recommendation just my oppinion.

    America needs a credit rating upgrade across the board.

  14. C, HBAN, BAC, QQQ, INTC, DIA are my picks as of August 15, 2011- Depending on the target prices I think they should offer great upside potential.

  15. If you track this blog then you should see that things are quite accurate. I think Obama reads this. I want you to spread the word about the Blog here. Support me and purchase my book. This morning I sent an email to Warren Buffet. I hope they respond. I think that Racism is responsible for the market climate as access to capital dries up we see the same environment like the seventies. They are trying to make Obama like a Jimmy Carter and if Obama does not start doing things for Black people directly we won't vote for him. I want to to see a free medical school grants which would create more doctors in the inner city and I want to see limitations on healthcare premiums. A 50 per month per person fee max would make it affordable. More education and more opportunities would help america. Non forgivable business loans to inner city business would spark this economy. GE didn't hire me so as far as I am concerned Emmelt is not my champion. We need more support for African American related companies serving our market. With so many smart minds in Brooklyn we should have a Brooklyn Venture Capital company to spur growth. Kevin Parker where are you. MyOffices is a new app from brooklyn

  16. 25 years ago I trained myself. I ordered a book and taught myself html. Today I feed on the knowledge I learned. I combined my sales and programming skills and sold to corporate clients. I am not alone. I crushed economies and systems with just my mere words. I made Bank CEO understand the power of the written word. When 15 of the largest hedge funds follow you then you have power to crush any market.

    China is on a global expansion to take over the world. They are on a colonization journey. The Chinese have it right while the Africans have it wrong. Soon the Africans will wake up and they will thrive like china and they will unify. There is your path. A china manufacturing for a giant African market is the solution for the future. NE HOW- Se Se Yah- Hello and Thanks. We are in a global war for financial domination. We are no longer fighting wars on the fields and oceans. They are fought on the trading floor.

    America needs to understand the power of the minorities in their homeland and look past the color of the skin and realize we are all Americans. We win together and lose together. Fund the Inner City business community and watch us create the next google and facebook right in the hood. No training means an unskilled work force. NO Work means no interest for the banks since the money goes in the pockets. Mainstream America is scared and facing what inner America has faced for more than 80 years. A lack of access to capital means sure doom. Invest in the inner city. Support your local business owner.

  17. Once again another person is killed by penicillin alternative. Anaphylactic shock is the cause of Whitney Houston's death. The media tries to create the image that she died of possible drug addiction. This is not the case. We tarnish the image of a great talent who has had a past with addictive substances. This death is senseless. THE CDC needs to come clean. The new bacteria strains are resistant to the current penicillin available. They all need to be recalled and remanufactured. Warnings need to be placed on the Antibiotics.

    Antibiotic resistant bacteria is killing people and no one is listening, Whitney Houston is gone because no one is listening. Who is next. THE CDC needs to step up. If Whitney was anemic the danger is even greater. It seems the anemic status of a patient makes the effects more potent to the patient. There has been many deaths related to Anaphylactic shock that is not going noticed. Lets not let My Mother , Whitney Houston, KanyE West, Brittney Murphy, Mr. Yakoby, Heavy Dee and many others who have passed on die in Vain.

  18. Looking back at the drug epidemic we can see the onset of dangerous drugs in the system. Andrew Barbiet the journalist recently died at the young age of 43. He had white hair at an early age- I thought he looked great body wise but his skin and hair told a different story. The skin is a tell tale item we have. Your hair is an extension of your skin. If these items are not up to what they should look like then you should try to seek a doctor. Where is the health care? We need to attack the source of the problem. It should be $50 and hour for service from a doctor and simply more doctors in the system will drive the cost down. SUpply and demand is the simple equation that fits every profile.

  19. The dow returns to all time highs yet the work is still left to occur. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013/03/12/new-heart-warning-for-popular-z-pack-antibiotics/ TODAY THE ZITHROMAX IS finally shown to cause heart attacks more than the other anti biotics. After this drug was taken by my mother she died the same night. Yes she had Alzheimers but this was sudden. Lead with your gut and with love sometimes its all we have. God is great he told me to expect this outcome.

  20. It is now 2020 here we are right where we were before. The time is now for the best of the best to come and realize they have work to do. Bitcoin is doing what it was designed to do and we are here as a supernode.
